

Type Definitions


# Address

The Address Object

Name Type Description
street_number String
state String
city String
street_name String
state_name String

The same as state

postal_code String

the same as zip code but more common name in other countires

timezone String
street_suffix String

the street suffix such as "Dr" of "St"

state_abbreviation String
address_line1 String
address_line2 String | null
zipcode String
verified Boolean

If this address has been verified by USPS

formatted_address String

The full string of the address

textarea String

The formatted address with "\r" breaks for it to be formatted nicely if you render it into a textarea

place_name String

The same as the city field

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# Delivery

The Delivery object. Any of the properties could have null values if the delivery is not purchased.

Name Type Description
id string

The delivery ID

amount integer

The price of this rate as an integer with discount applied. (e.g., $15.76 would be represented as 1576).

billed_amount integer

The price of this rate as an integer without discounts applied. (e.g., $15.76 would be represented as 1576). This is the total amount that Dispatch charged your payment information in file.

sender_discount integer

The discount for this rate as an integer that you have specified. (e.g., $15.76 would be represented as 1576). This gets calculated based on your settings on the Dispatch dashboard.

branding Object

Specified the branding for this delivery.

email integer

If an email will be sent by Dispatch, this determines which logo will be on the email.

label integer

Which logo should be placed on the label.

courier Object

The courier object if the delivery is on demand. This will be deprecated in the future as the same data is found in the Provider object that is attached to the Rate.

created_at integer

Epoch time in seconds when this delivery was created.

estimated_delivery string

A human readable string value for the estimated delivery date and time.

grace_period Object

The grace period that an on_demand courier will wait for a delivery. If the sender is not ready, the grace period object explains the fees that will be incurred.

billed_amount integer

The amount as an integer that this delivery was billed for in the event of a grace period violation.

fee integer

The grace period fee as an integer This it the fee that is charged per minute.

minutes integer

The amount of minutes that the grace period is good for.

payment_status string | null

This specifies the status of the payment that was collected

wait_seconds integer | null

This is the duration in seconds that the courier waited for the delivery.

intent_status string

The status of the delivery intent. An intent can be "created" when rates were generated but not purchased yet, "expired" if the intent was not captured within 15 mins, "captured" which means that the intent was paid for, and "deleted" which is when the intent was removed from the database.

label_name string

The name of the shipping label as saved in the storage bucket. @deprecated This property will be removed.

label_url string

The url from which you can download your label. This URL, can be accessed for 48 hours until it expires. Each time that you retrieve a delivery, a new label url is generated for you.

lead_time_hours integer

The amount of lead time that was required for this delivery before an on_demand courier can pick it up.

live_location Array

The lat and lon coordinates of the the current location of the delivery. Not every courier supports this.

metadata Object

Key-value pairs of data that you have added to the delivery. When creating or purchasing a delivery, metadata can be passed in the options. You should never store sensitive information in key value pairs. Good uses for metadata would be to store an order ID or a customer ID from your database.

on_demand Boolean

If this delivery is for an on_demand courier.

paid Boolean

If this delivery was paid for.

parcels Array.<Parcel>

An array of parcel objects, which are the boxes and items that were being transported.

purchased_rate Object.<Rate>

The rate that was purchased by the customer.

qr_code_url string

If the label has a QR Code, this will be the url that is encoded on it.

rates Array.<Rate>

An array of rates that are returned when the delivery intent was created.

recipient Object.<Entity>

The recipient object. This is the person who is getting the package.

refund_status string

The refund status if one was requested. Funds will be credited back to the account after the refund status is approved by the carrier. Dispatch couriers refunds are immediate.

sender Object.<Entity>

The object representing the sender, which is the entity that initially sent that package.

shipment_date integer

The time in seconds from Epoch in seconds of the shipment date.

status string

The tracking status for the delivery. For a complete list see the github readme.

substatus string

The tracking substatus for the delivery. This gives much more detail about the package whereabouts. For a complete list see the github readme.

test boolean

If this was a test delivery.

tracking_notifications boolean

Indicates if dispatch will send update emails for the delivery. This value is set on your dashboard https://app.getdispatch.app/settings/company/branding.

tracking_number string

The tracking number for the delivery.

tracking_status Object.<Tracker>

The current tracking status for this delivery.

tracking_updates Array.<Tracker>

An array of all of the tracking updates for this delivery including the current one.

type string

The type of delivery this is: "traditional" or "marketplace".

updated_at integer

Epoch time in seconds.

value integer

The declared value of this delivery.

To Do:
  • {Object} customs_declaration - Any customs declarations for international shipping.
  • {Object} insurance - The object representing the insurance.

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# Entity

The Entity object, which describes a company or person

Name Type Description
id string

The entity ID

address Object

The address details of this entity.

address_line1 string
address_line2 string
city string
formatted_address string

The combined address string including city, state, and zipcode.

place_name string

In most cases this is the same as the city. For U.S. shipment, just ignore this.

state string

The full string of the the state such as "California or New York".

state_abbreviation string

The abbreviation of the the state such as "CA or "NY".

state_name string

@deprecated This is now just called state.

street_name string

The name of the street from address_line1.

street_number string

The number of the street from address_line1.

street_suffix string

Will we the last part of the street name like "St" or "Ln".

textarea string

If you will pre-fill an html textarea with the string, this includes the return values for the address to format into multiple lines.

timezone string

The tz format for this addresses timezone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tz_database

verified boolean

If this address was verified with USPS.

zipcode string

The address zipcode. This is the same value as postal_code.

email string

The email address to contact this entity.

name string

The name of this entity.

phone string | null

The phone number to contact this entity.

logo_url string | null

The source for the logo. The image is a 256 x 256 square png.

logo_url_trimmed string | null

This logo is trimmed by us to remove the white space. Best used in emails. One of the sides is 256px, depending on the logo's shape.

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# Item

The Item Object. This is optional but allows you to specify what the items are that are packaged in your box. In the future, this will be used to help facilitate one-click returns.

Name Type Attributes Description
name string <optional>

The name of this item.

sku string <optional>

The item sku.

price integer <optional>

The item's price as an integer.

value integer <optional>

The item's declared values as an integer.

product_id string <optional>

The id used to identify this product on your inventory system.

variant_id string <optional>

If this is a specific variant of a product id.

length integer <optional>

The length of the item in inches. Can use this for cheaper return labels if we know the box can be smaller.

width integer <optional>

The width of the item in inches. Can use this for cheaper return labels if we know the box can be smaller.

height integer <optional>

The height of the item in inches. Can use this for cheaper return labels if we know the box can be smaller.

weight integer <optional>

The weight of the item in pounds. Can use this for cheaper return labels if we know the box can be lighter.

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# NewAddress

The New Address Object. When creating a new address, you can either send the address as a string value or an object. If you're choosing an object, below are the properties you need to provide.

Name Type Attributes Description
address_line1 string

The street address for this delivery.

address_line2 string <optional>

The second line of the street address if needed.

city string

The name of the city.

state string

The state. This can be the full state name like California or an abbreviation like NY.

zipcode string

The zipcode. Technically this is optional but highly recommended you add this because it makes the address parser much more accurate.

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# Parcel

The Parcel Object. When you create a parcel or retrieve a delivery, you'll always be referencing an array of parcels

Name Type Attributes Description
package_type String <optional>

The type of box you're sending the items in. If you are using a box provided by a carrier, you'll only recieve rates from that carrier plus any on-demand couriers, if avaible.

length integer

The length of the parcel in inches.

width integer

The width of the parcel in inches.

height integer

The height of the parcel in inches.

weight integer

The weight of the parcel in pounds.

special_handling string <optional>

Any special handling instructions that will be placed on the label. Limited to 12 characters. If you add more than 12 characters, we'll just use the first 12 instead of returning an error. The reason for the limit is that this is the most amount of characters that we can fit within the bounds of the current label.

item_description string <optional>

A description of what you're sending like "Coffee". This can prove useful for basic analytics later on and is a nice touch for the tracking email that can let the recipient know what is in the box.

items Array.<Item> <optional>

you can optionally include items that are in the box. This can be used for one click returns and custom disposition codes in the future.

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# Profile

The Profile Object. This describes the profile of the sender who owns the API key

Name Type Description
id String

The ID for this sender

branding Object

This describes how branding is used by the user

emails Boolean

If this sender has their logo displayed on email. Requires a Pro plan

labels Boolean

If this sender has their logo displayed on shipping labels. Requires a Pro plan

tracking_notifications Boolean

If this sender wants dispatch to send tracking updates to recipients

lead_time_hours Integer

The lead time this sender requires for deliveries

carrier_rate_card Array.<Object>

An array of objects that describe the rate cards this user has

carrier_rate_card[].carrier_id String

The ID of the carrier this rate card is for

carrier_rate_card[].active Boolean

If this rate card is currently active

carrier_rate_card[].rate_card_id String | null

The ID of the rate card. The value is null if this rate card is for a Dispatch provided rate card

logo_url String

the logo url for the sender

logo_url_trimmed String

the logo url for the sender with the wight space trimmed

requirements Object

Shows which requirements are needed for this sender. Some features may be unavaible if there are outstanding requirements

required_now Array.<String>

A list of all of the requirements that are due now. No deliveries can be created if there are requirements due

pending_verification Array.<String>

A list of requirements that are pending verification. These are normally resolved within 24 hours

errors Array.<String>

These are errors that the account has. Accounts with errors could result in features of the account being disabled, such as the ability to purchase shipping labels

required_later Array.<String>

These are items that will be due in the future.

profile Object

= An object that reflects the profile information for this sender

support_phone String

The phone number for this sender to be contacted for support

support_email String

The email for this sender to be contacted for support

name String

The name of this sender

website String

The website for this sender

address Object.<Address>

The headquarters address for the sender.

created_at Integer

The time in seconds from Epoch that this sender was created

updated_at Integer

The time in seconds from Epoch that this sender was last updated

labels Object

The preferences this user has for shipping labels

format String

The format the labels will come in for the sender.

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# Rate

The Rate object

Name Type Description
amount integer

The price of this rate as an integer with discount applied. (e.g., $15.76 would be represented as 1576).

billed_amount integer

The price of this rate as an integer without discounts applied. (e.g., $15.76 would be represented as 1576). This is the total amount that Dispatch charged your payment information in file.

sender_discount integer

The discount for this rate as an integer that you have specified. (e.g., $15.76 would be represented as 1576). This gets calculated based on your settings on the Dispatch dashboard.

carrier_account string | null

The carrier account / custom rate card that was used to price this rate.

checkout_total integer

The total cart/checkout value you submitted as an integer (e.g., $15.76 would be represented as 1576). This value is used to determine the free shipping tier that you can set up on the Dispatch dashboard.

created_at integer

Epoch time in seconds.

currency string

The currency of this rate card as lowercase ISO 4217 format https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217

dispatch boolean

If this rate was originated by dispatch APIs.

service_level Object

Describes how long the delivery will take.

id string

The ID of the service level. Something like "dispatch_same_day".

name string

The human readable name of the service level. Something like "Same Day" or "USPS Overnight".

arrives_by integer

Epoch time seconds when this delivery is expected to arrive at its destination.

days integer

The amount of days that this delivery is estimated to take.

guaranteed boolean

If this delivery is guaranteed by the arrives_by time

pickup_at integer | null

Epoch time in seconds when this order will be picked up.

terms string

The human readable string for the delivery date and time. For example: "Today by 9pm".

grace_period Object

The grace period that an on_demand courier will wait for and the fees for going over it.

billed_amount integer

The amount that you were charged for going over a courier's grace period.

fee integer | null

The amount that you were charged for going over a courier's grace period.

minutes integer | null

The amount of minutes that the grace period is good for.

payment_status integer | null

The status of your payment.

wait_seconds integer | null

The amount of seconds the courier waited for.

id string

the id of this rate. This id will be passed to dispatch to purchase the rate.

invoice Object | null

If the rate is generated by an on demand courier from dispatch, this will be a breakdown of the total cost. Otherwise will be null.

additional_items_fee integer

The cost for additional items if the order contained multiple packages and the courier changes this fee.

dropoff_fee integer

The fixed dropoff fee that this courier charges.

dropoff_rate integer

The rate this courier charges for the distance from pickup location to dropoff location.

local_fee integer

If there are any local fees that are charged in the pickup or dropoff city.

pickup_fee integer

The fixed pickup fee that this courier charges.

pickup_rate integer

The rate this courier charges for the distance from to get to the pickup location.

rate_card string | null

The id of the rate card that was used for this invoice.

subtotal integer

The total before taxes.

tax integer

The tax charged for this delivery.

toll integer

Any tolls that were charged for this delivery.

total integer

The final total for this invoice. This number is the same as the "amount".

lead_time_hours integer

The amount of hours that are needed in advance before the courier can get the the pickup destination.

on_demand boolean

If this rate is an on demand courier.

pickup_at integer

@deprecated Epoch time in seconds when this order will be picked up. Same as service_level.pickup_at.

provider Object

The provider is the courier or carrier that will be conducting the delivery.

id string

The ID of this provider.

logo_url string

The logo that of this provider.

name string

The name of this provider.

support_email string

The email that can be used to contact this provider.

support_phone string | null

The support phone number that can be used to contact this provider.

support_url string | null

The url that this provider has for support.

test boolean

If this was a test delivery or not.

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# Response

The Response Object. Every dispatch response will always have the same object that is returned.

Name Type Description
message string

The message that could be displayed to an end user if the response is successful or ends in an error.

data Object | Array

The data that was requested if any. If requesting lots of data like deliveries, the data will be formatted an an Array. If you're just pulling one item by an ID like a specific delivery, the response will be an Object.

status integer

The html status code for the response.

errors Array

If there were errors, the array will be filled with the property names that caused the error.

error_code string | null

The server error code.

pagination Object | null

when pulling multiple object like many deliveries, the pagination will let you know if there are more items that can be pulled from the database.

limit integer

the limit that was applied to the pagination. The default is 15 and the max is 100.

current_page integer

The current page this pagination is on. If the limit is 15 and the current_page is 3, you know you're looking at items 30 - 45.

has_more integer

Lets you know when you can paginate further.

count integer

The amount of items that were returned.

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# Tracker

The Tracker Object. This describes a tracking update.

Name Type Description
address Object

This is a basic address field that gives the general location of the item.

address_line1 String | null

The street address. Many carriers do not support this field and it can often be null.

city String

Name of the city.

state String

Name of the state, not abbreviated.

zipcode String

The zipcode.

comment String | null

If the courier added a comment for this update it will be here. These comments are not filtered by Dispatch at the moment, so it's safer to use the message property for customer notifications.

message String

The human readable message about this status given by Dispatch.

status String

The status string.

substatus String

The sub_status string.

images Array.<(String)>

An array that includes any images that were added to this tracker. If there are no images, the array will be empty.

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