



# static buy(delivery_id, rate_id, optionsopt) → {Promise.<Response>}

Purchased a shipping label

Name Type Attributes Description
delivery_id string

The ID of the delivery for which you want to purchase a rate.

rate_id string

The ID of the rate tha you wish to purchase.

options Object <optional>

Additional options you want to add while purchasing this rate.

payment_method string <optional>

The ID of the payment method you wish to use. We'll use the default card you have on file otherwise.

metadata Integer <optional>

You can add metadata as key-value pairs to a delivery. To remove a property, pass null as the value. If you want to remove all key value pairs, pass an empty object.

View Source dispatch.js, line 249

Returns the response object. The Response's data property will be an array of Delivery objects.

//assuming we already created the delivery, we have access to the rates array, if any were returned
//we can pass back the id of the rate that we want to purchase the delivery

const delivery =
const rate = delivery.rates[0].id //selected the first rate
const response = await,

//if the purchase was successful, the purchased rate will be available on the purchased_rate property
const purchasedRate =

# static create(sender, recipient, parcels, optionsopt) → {Promise.<Response>}

Create a delivery intent. This will give you a list of rates to choose from.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
sender Object

The details about there this package is coming from.

name string

The name of the sender. This could be a company name or a person's name.

email string

The email of the sender. For on demand deliveries, this email will be used by the courier to contact the sender in case of any issues.

phone string <optional>

The phone number of this sender that an on demand courier could use to contact this sender if there is an issue.

location_id string <optional>

If you already have a location object, you can simply pass the id of the location and we'll use it's address.

address string | Object.<NewAddress> <optional>

If you do not have a location_id, you can just send your address and we'll create a location object for you. Your address can just be a full string and we'll parse it on our end, or you can send it as an object.

recipient Object

The details about there this package is coming from.

name string

The name of the sender. This could be a company name or a person's name.

email string

The email of the sender. For on demand deliveries, this email will be used by the courier to contact the sender in case of any issues.

phone string <optional>

The phone number of this recipient that an on demand courier could use to contact this recipient if there is an issue.

address string | Object.<NewAddress>

Your address can just be a full string and we'll parse it on our end, or you can send it as an object

parcels Array.<Parcel>

An array of parcels that you want to send.

options Object <optional>

Additional options to include in your delivery.

rate_cards Array <optional>

An array of rate cards that you want to use for this transaction. These will be used instead of the rate cards you set on your Dispatch Dashboard.

checkout_total Integer <optional>

The total cart/checkout value you submitted as an integer (e.g., $15.76 would be represented as 1576). This value is used to determine the free shipping tier that you can set up on the Dispatch dashboard.

metadata Integer <optional>

You can add metadata as key-value pairs to a delivery. To remove a property, pass null as the value. If you want to remove all key value pairs, pass an empty object.

verify_address Boolean <optional>

If you want Dispatch to verify the sender and recipient addresses

View Source dispatch.js, line 104

Returns the response object. The Response's data property will be an array of Delivery objects.

//This is a basic example for a standard shipment creating without additional options.

const sender = {
   name: "Dispatch Roasters"
   phone: "4844836699",
   location_id: "loc_j83498fhweofh4937fh"

const recipient = {
   name: "Jamie Jones"
   phone: "4844836699",
   address: {
       address_line1: "500 7th Ave",
       city: "New York",
       state: "NY"
       zipcode: "10018"

const parcel = {
   length: 10 // inches
   width: 10 // inches
   height: 10 // inches
   weight: 10 // pounds
   item_description: "Coffee", //optional
   special_handling: "Fragile" //optional

//options are completely optional. You can omit the whole object
//or any properties from the object
const options = {
   checkout_total: 5000, //$50.00
   verify_address: false,
   metadata: {
       my_custom_id: "123456789"

const response = await dispatch.deliveries.create(sender, recipient, [parcel], options)
const delivery = //this will have the delivery object
//in this example, we'll create the same shipment but add additional options

const sender = {
   name: "Dispatch Roasters"
   location_id: "loc_j83498fhweofh4937fh"

const recipient = {
   name: "Jamie Jones"
   address: {
       address_line1: "500 7th Ave",
       city: "New York",
       state: "NY"
       zipcode: "10018"

const parcel = {
   length: 10 // inches
   width: 10 // inches
   height: 10 // inches
   weight: 10 // pounds

//if you wanted to add options, like the checkout_total, you can do so in the fourth argument
const options = {

   //the checkout total is used to return free shipping options. These settings
   //are configured once on the Dispatch dashboard
   checkout_total: 10000 //this would be $100.00 since values are stored as integers

   //the metadata allowed you to add custom properties to the delivery object
   //most often used for an order number or customer number to be able to match
   //delivery with your internal database later. The metadata property will be
   //available on the delivery object when you retrieve it
   metadata: {
       customer_id: 123456789,
       order_id: 987654321
       temp_value: null //passing null will delete the key, if you had one saved before

dispatch.deliveries.create(sender, recipient, [parcel], options).then((response) => {
   const delivery =

   //handle post delivery creation operations...
}).catch((err) => {

   //handle errors...

# static list(options) → {Promise.<Response>}

Get a paginated list of deliveries

Name Type Description
options Object

The options that you can use to return results

limit integer

The amount of deliveries you want returned. The default is 15, but ranges from 1 to 100

page integer

The page you want to deliveries to start at. For example, a limit of 15 with a page value of 3, would return deliveries 30 - 45. The response object for the .list() method will have a pagination property which you can use to determine if there are more values in the database.

location integer

Add a location ID the get just results from a specific location

status integer

Will filter results based on statuses. Available options are: all (default), completed, outstanding, error. completed will respond with any package that has gone through its lifecycle. Most often this is delivered but will include errors suck as package_lost. outstanding will respond with any package that is not yet completed its lifecycle, not including errors. error will respond with every package that has an error.

View Source dispatch.js, line 64

Returns the response object. The Response's data property will be an array of Delivery objects.

const response = await dispatch.deliveries.list()
const deliveries = //this will have an array of delivery objects

//check if there are more values in the database
if (data.pagination.has_more) {
   //the delivery objects have a lot of data and setting the pagination to a loop can really hurt performance
   //it's advised to just query in pages
   //io query for the next page of deliveries you could do something like:

   const nextResponse = dispatch.deliveries.list({limit: response.pagination.limit, page: response.pagination.current_page + 1})

# static refund(delivery_id) → {Promise.<Response>}

Refund a shipping label that you have already purchased

Name Type Description
delivery_id string

The ID of the delivery that you want to refund.

View Source dispatch.js, line 288

Returns the response object.

//a refund can only be done on a purchased label that has not been used
//refunds for on demand couriers need to happen within 5 minutes

const response = await dispatch.deliveries.refund("del_28374n8iudshf3nqifub")

# static retrieve(id) → {Promise.<Response>}

Retrieves a delivery using its ID

Name Type Description
id string

The ID of the delivery that you want to retrieve

View Source dispatch.js, line 38

Returns the response object. The Response's data property will be an array of Delivery objects.

const response = await dispatch.deliveries.retrieve("del_fjdsklfju8jisjfdisoiu89j")
const delivery = //this will contain the delivery object

# static update(delivery_id, updateopt) → {Promise.<Response>}

Update a delivery

Name Type Attributes Description
delivery_id string

The ID of the delivery you want to update

update Object <optional>

An object of the fields you want to update

sender Object <optional>

The details about there this package is coming from. string <optional>

The name of the sender. This could be a company name or a person's name. string <optional>

The email of the sender. For on demand deliveries, this email will be used by the courier to contact the sender in case of any issues. string <optional>

The phone number of this sender that an on demand courier could use to contact this sender if there is an issue.

recipient Object <optional>

The details about there this package is coming from. string <optional>

The name of the sender. This could be a company name or a person's name. string <optional>

The email of the sender. For on demand deliveries, this email will be used by the courier to contact the sender in case of any issues. string <optional>

The phone number of this recipient that an on demand courier could use to contact this recipient if there is an issue.

options Object <optional>

Additional options to include in your delivery.

options.metadata Object <optional>

You can add metadata as key-value pairs to a delivery. To remove a property, pass null as the value. If you want to remove all key value pairs, pass an empty object.

View Source dispatch.js, line 319

Returns the response object.

// you can update emails, names, phone numbers, and metadata for the delivery
// if you want to update the delivery address you will have to create a new delivery.

const update = {
   sender: {
      name: "Dispatch Brewery",
      email: "",
      phone: "1234567890"
   recipient: {
      phone: "1234567890" //only want to update the phone number for the recipient
   options: {
      // Metadata is optional information that you can attach to a delivery
      metadata: {
         timestamp: new Date(,
         updated_by: "Server Admin"

const response = await dispatch.deliveries.update("del_28374n8iudshf3nqifub", update)